
Saving a web page’s address is known as Bookmark. There are different types of browser and every browser have this feature. To delete a bookmark, users have to add at least one web page as a bookmark. Though deleting bookmark isn't so difficult but the...

Teachers and students have used some form of technology to facilitate learning in recent years, but who knew they would be entirely dependent on it for the rest of the school year? Given the continuing health crisis afflicting all facets of life, including school, teachers are forced to teach their students virtually, in order to respect social distancing.

With each new year, there are new educational challenges to which we must know how to adapt. In recent years, innovation in the sector has been based on technological advances in order to amplify education, propose new methodologies that help both the learning of the students and the work of the teacher; and achieve a more transversal diffusion. It is what we know by E-Learning.