How to Reset Fitbit Inspire 2? Ultimate Guide for Troubleshooting

How to Reset Fitbit Inspire 2? Ultimate Guide for Troubleshooting

How to Reset Fitbit Inspire 2? Ultimate Guide for Troubleshooting

Resetting your device is a simple process that can help resolve many common problems. Whether you’re dealing with syncing issues, display problems, or other glitches, a reset can often do the trick. In this guide, we’ll show you how to reset your Fitbit Inspire 2. To reset your Fitbit Inspire 2, press and hold the button for 10 seconds. If you’re experiencing issues with your Fitbit Inspire 2 and need to start fresh, a reset might be necessary.

Just follow these steps, and you’ll have your device back up and running smoothly in no time. So let’s get started with the reset process for your Fitbit Inspire 2.

2. Common Issues And Troubleshooting

While the Fitbit Inspire 2 is a reliable fitness tracker, it’s not uncommon to encounter a few hiccups along the way, especially when considering the differences between the Fitbit Inspire 2 and the Inspire 3. In this section, brought to you by, we will address some of the most common issues users face with the Fitbit Inspire 2 and provide troubleshooting steps to help you get back on track. Whether you’re experiencing battery drain problems, syncing issues, or screen freezing, we’ve got you covered. Let’s dive in!

Common Issues And Troubleshooting

Battery Drain Problems

One of the frustrations you may encounter with your Fitbit Inspire 2 is unexpected battery drain. If you notice that your device is losing battery power faster than usual, there are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue:

  1. Check App and Firmware Updates: Ensure that both the Fitbit app on your smartphone and the firmware on your Inspire 2 are up to date. Outdated software can sometimes lead to battery drain issues.
  2. Disable Unused Features: If you’re not using certain features such as continuous heart rate monitoring or connected GPS, consider disabling them to conserve battery life. You can always enable them when you need them.
  3. Restart Your Device: Sometimes a simple restart can resolve battery drain problems. Press and hold the button on the side of your Inspire 2 until you see the Fitbit logo appear on the screen. Release the button, and your device will restart.
  4. Adjust Brightness: Lowering the screen brightness can also help extend your battery life. To adjust the brightness, go to the settings on your device and locate the display settings.

Syncing Issues

Syncing issues can prevent your Fitbit Inspire 2 from accurately tracking your data and displaying it in the Fitbit app. If you’re experiencing problems with syncing, try these troubleshooting steps:

  1. Check Bluetooth Connection: Ensure that Bluetooth is enabled on your smartphone and that your Inspire 2 is within range. Sometimes a weak or unstable Bluetooth connection can interfere with syncing.
  2. Restart Your Device: A simple restart can often resolve syncing issues. Press and hold the button on the side of your Inspire 2 until the Fitbit logo appears. Release the button, and your device will restart.
  3. Clear Bluetooth Cache: Clearing the Bluetooth cache on your smartphone can also help fix syncing problems. Go to your phone’s settings, find the Bluetooth menu, and clear the cache.
  4. Unpair and Re-pair: Unpairing and re-pairing your Inspire 2 with your smartphone can establish a fresh connection and resolve sync issues. Open the Fitbit app, go to the device settings, and select “Unpair” or “Remove Device.” Then, follow the prompts to re-pair your Inspire 2.

Screen Freezing

If your Fitbit Inspire 2’s screen becomes unresponsive or freezes, follow these troubleshooting steps to get it back in working order:

  1. Restart Your Device: A restart can often resolve screen freezing problems. Press and hold the button on the side of your Inspire 2 until you see the Fitbit logo on the screen. Release the button, and your device will restart.
  2. Clean the Screen: Sometimes, a dirty or smudged screen can cause unresponsiveness. Gently wipe the screen with a soft, lint-free cloth to remove any dirt or fingerprints.
  3. Update Firmware: Check for any available firmware updates for your Inspire 2. Outdated software can sometimes lead to screen freezing issues. Open the Fitbit app, go to the device settings, and check for updates.
  4. Perform a Factory Reset: If all else fails, you can try a factory reset. Keep in mind that this will erase all data on your Inspire 2, so make sure to sync your device before proceeding. In the Fitbit app, go to the device settings and select “Factory Reset.”

By following these troubleshooting steps, you can overcome common issues such as battery drain, syncing problems, and screen freezing with your Fitbit Inspire 2. If you continue to experience difficulties, don’t hesitate to reach out to Fitbit customer support for further assistance. Now, go ahead and get back to crushing your fitness goals with your Inspire 2!

3. Performing A Soft Reset

Performing a soft reset is a simple yet effective way to resolve minor issues and glitches you may encounter with your Fitbit Inspire 2. This non-intrusive process can help bring your device back to its optimal state without deleting any data or settings. Whether your Inspire 2 is experiencing unresponsiveness or display issues, performing a soft reset can often provide a quick solution. In this section, we will outline the steps to perform a soft reset and discuss when it is appropriate to use this method.

Steps To Perform Soft Reset

To perform a soft reset on your Fitbit Inspire 2, follow these steps:

  1. Locate the button on the left side of your device.
  2. Press and hold the button for about 10 seconds.
  3. Release the button when you see the Fitbit logo on your screen.
  4. Your device will then restart, indicating that the soft reset was successful.

It’s important to note that during the reset process, your device may appear as if it’s turning off and then back on. This is completely normal and part of the reset procedure. Once your Fitbit Inspire 2 restarts, it should be ready to use.

When To Use Soft Reset

A soft reset can be useful in various situations. Here are a few instances where performing a soft reset on your Fitbit Inspire 2 might be necessary:

  • If your device becomes unresponsive or freezes.
  • In case you encounter display issues, such as a blank or flickering screen.
  • When your Fitbit Inspire 2 is not syncing properly with the Fitbit app or other devices.
  • If your device is experiencing trouble connecting to Bluetooth or Wi-Fi.
  • If you notice unusual battery drain or performance issues.

Performing a soft reset should be your first troubleshooting step before considering other options. It’s a simple, yet effective method to resolve minor software glitches without affecting your data or settings.

4. Performing A Hard Reset

If you need to perform a hard reset on your Fitbit Inspire 2, it’s important to understand the steps involved and when this action should be taken. Here, we’ll walk through the process of performing a hard reset, as well as outlining the circumstances in which it may be necessary.

Steps To Perform Hard Reset

When you need to perform a hard reset on your Fitbit Inspire 2, you can follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the button on your tracker for 10 seconds.
  2. When you see the Fitbit logo and a smile icon appear on the screen, release the button.
  3. Your Fitbit Inspire 2 will restart, indicating that the hard reset has been successfully performed.

When To Use Hard Reset

A hard reset may be necessary when your Fitbit Inspire 2 is not responding or functioning properly. This could include issues such as unresponsiveness, freezing, or persistent errors. Performing a hard reset can help resolve these issues and restore your tracker to proper functionality.

5. Contacting Fitbit Support

For assistance with resetting your Fitbit Inspire 2, you can easily reach out to the Fitbit support team for guidance and troubleshooting. They are available to provide helpful solutions and ensure your device is reset properly.

When To Contact Fitbit Support

When To Contact Fitbit Support

If you’re having trouble resetting your Fitbit Inspire 2 or encountering any issues along the way, it might be time to reach out to Fitbit Support. While many problems can be solved with the help of Fitbit’s comprehensive online resources, troubleshooting guides, and community forums, there are times when contacting customer support directly is the best course of action.

If you’re experiencing any of the following situations, it’s a good idea to get in touch with Fitbit Support:

  • Your Fitbit Inspire 2 is not responding to any attempts to reset it.
  • You’re encountering error messages during the reset process.
  • Despite following the reset steps correctly, your device is still not functioning properly.
  • You’ve tried all the troubleshooting options available online, but none have resolved your issue.
  • Your Fitbit Inspire 2 is still under warranty, and the problem seems to be a hardware-related issue.

Tips For Effective Communication

When reaching out to Fitbit Support for assistance, there are a few tips to keep in mind to ensure effective communication:

  1. Be specific and concise: Clearly explain your issue and provide relevant details, such as error messages or steps taken before the problem.
  2. Provide necessary information: Have your Fitbit Inspire 2’s serial number and purchase date ready to provide to the support representative.
  3. Be patient: Understand that it may take some time to resolve your issue, especially if it requires further investigation.
  4. Follow instructions: If Fitbit Support provides you with troubleshooting steps or solutions, follow them carefully and report back if they do not resolve the problem.
  5. Ask for clarification: If you don’t understand something the support representative explains, don’t hesitate to ask for clarification.

Keeping these tips in mind will help streamline your communication with Fitbit Support, increasing the likelihood of finding a resolution to your Fitbit Inspire 2 reset issue promptly.

Frequently Asked Questions On How To Reset Fitbit Inspire 2

How Do I Reset The Fitbit Inspire 2?

To reset your Fitbit Inspire 2, go to the Settings app and find the “About” option. Tap it and then select “Factory Reset” to restore your device to its original settings. This will remove all data and you’ll need to set it up again.

Will Resetting My Fitbit Inspire 2 Delete My Data?

Yes, resetting your Fitbit Inspire 2 will delete all data stored on the device. It’s recommended to sync your data with the Fitbit app before resetting to ensure you don’t lose any important information.

How Long Does It Take To Reset The Fitbit Inspire 2?

Resetting your Fitbit Inspire 2 only takes a few minutes. After initiating the reset, the device will reboot and the process should be complete within a couple of minutes.

Can I Reset My Fitbit Inspire 2 Without The App?

Yes, you can reset your Fitbit Inspire 2 without using the app. Simply navigate to the Settings app on your device, find the “About” option, and select “Factory Reset” to initiate the reset process.


In just a few simple steps, you can easily reset your Fitbit Inspire 2 to troubleshoot issues. The advantages of using technology in education extend beyond the classroom, as it equips students with practical troubleshooting skills; whether it’s a frozen screen or syncing problems, a reset can often provide the solution. By following the provided methods, students can ensure that their Fitbit, or any tech device, is back up and running in no time, fostering a culture of self-reliance and problem-solving.

Don’t let technical difficulties hold you back from achieving your fitness goals. Just a quick reset and you’re good to go!