Keys to newborn baby skincare

Keys to newborn baby skincare

As the newborn baby has skin that is anatomically and physiologically different from that of an adult, its care must be special. Its function is that of a barrier since it passes from the uterus, where it is surrounded by liquid, to the outside environment.

As the Federation of Midwifery Associations of Spain (FAME) points out, “ the skin is also necessary for the temperature to be properly regulated; In addition, it serves to protect from injuries, such as bumps or scratches, and from infections. It is the first form of defense that the creature has at birth.”

It is normal for parents to have doubts when it comes to caring for this important organ for the newborn baby. So that they know how to function better, Take Care Plus collects some tips:

Clean With Neutral Soaps

It is necessary to take into account the delicacy of the skin of the little one that, initially, lacks bacterial flora that protects him and has the umbilical cord wound.

You cannot use any product to clean it. As its pH is acidic and varies between 4.5 and 6 depending on the area, alkaline soaps must be avoided, which increases its pH, leading to irritations and infections. Instead, use neutral or slightly acidic soaps, without perfumes. When soaping, it is possible to do it by hand or with a soft sponge.

Daily Bath Is Not Necessary

A common question is whether it is necessary to wash the newborn every day. The Spanish Association of Pediatrics(AEP) indicates that it is not necessary to clean all areas, since they have self-cleaning mechanisms.

Antiseptics Should Not Be Abused

THE AEP rejects the abuse of antiseptics added to cleaning products. Its excessive use can change the normal microbiological ecosystem of the skin, as well as favor the proliferation of other microorganisms.

In the case of alcohol, they warn that it can be harmful when absorbed, and cause burns, or changes in pH.

Use Moisturizing Lotions After Bathing

FAME explains that “at birth, the skin is usually dry and flaky. To avoid this dryness, moisturizing lotions after bathing is useful.

Be Careful With The Applied Products

“Because the barrier function of the skin is not fully developed in infants. Substances applied locally to the skin can penetrate more intensely, reaching the most active layers of the epidermis. Hence, preparations for external use must be administered and dosed in a particularly careful manner”, warns FAME.

Alkaline-Free Preparations For Diaper Changes

This federation rejects that soaps are used for cleaning after changing the diaper. “ Alkaline-free preparations, enriched with fatty additive agents. And indicated exclusively for the care of special and delicate areas of the newborn baby, are appropriate”.

In addition, they add that the crusts or elements that may remain attached to the skin are removed with the help of oils.

Prevent Sun Exposure

Newborn babies should not be exposed to the sun. FAME points out that up to three years they should avoid this direct exposure. In addition, it recommends going outside to protect against the harmful rays of the sun.

Avoid High And Low Temperatures

The skin of the little ones appreciates a warm temperature. Otherwise, high temperatures can lead to hyperthermia or sudamina, while too cold temperatures can favor hypothermia or panniculitis.

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